
On the Water Again!


With all the cosmetic damage repaired, our new rudder, and new bobstay we are back in the water!

Took a short hop down to downtown Charleston for a week to check out the city – tons of fun, now we’re heading south again, currently in Beaufort for the next few days waiting out some weather.  Why does it seem to keep getting colder the further south we go?!?!

More writeups on our many boatyard projects coming up!




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4 responses to “On the Water Again!

Gerald linso

Ed and Vicky
Glad all is good in sailing heaven
I Have been very busy finally checked your site
Where are you 2 heading?
The good news is you are not in REAL COLD it’s been very cold in Philadelphia last 5 days or so warming to 50 this week

Have fun


Great to hear from you! We are still heading south – Currently in Beaufort, SC. Hoping to get to the warm weather in the next couple of weeks!

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