Work continues…
Sanding, scraping, sealing, sewing, cleaning, bedding, rigging… Still deep in it… lot to do and only a few months to do it! Still, it’ll be worth it in the end, right? Views 3939Likes 0
Sanding, scraping, sealing, sewing, cleaning, bedding, rigging… Still deep in it… lot to do and only a few months to do it! Still, it’ll be worth it in the end, right? Views 3939Likes 0
On a 30′ boat, space is always at a premium. Once you account for all the “necessities” (safety gear, tools, spare parts etc…) You find yourself with about a small closet’s worth of space to pack your entire life into. Thus, anything that saves space is precious and worth shelling out for. Views 4810Likes 0
When we bought Elara, we had no intentions of doing any kind of long term cruising on her… the plan was to use her for daysailing and trips down the Chesapeake, while saving up for a bigger boat to cruise on. But you know what they say about sailors plans and all – written in the sandRead more…
So there’s an old adage that boat projects always cost 10 time more and take 10 times longer than estimated. True enough. But why is it that the littlest projects seem to be the most annoying? Views 3197Likes 0