boat work, lifestyle

8 weeks ’till castoff… Still a long list to do to get ready…

The countdown is on, now we are down to weeks! Can’t believe the time is flying by so fast… We’ve been great at getting lots of things done to get ready, but there is of course still more to do. Here is our list of remaining boat and non-boat projects.

Boat Projects Remaining:

  • Take the boat up to Riverside Marina for haul-out to: replace the standing rigging (in process of getting quotes from riggers); redo the bottom paint; replace the name, hailing port and registration number decals (all ordered and ready to go); replace the bootstripe: rebed one of the chainplates; buff the top sides.
  • Install our new Zarcor companion way doors – really excited to make this modification. The doors are here and we are working on fine-tuning them to fit.
  • Get a diesel engine mechanic to take a look and fine-tune the engine – we think we solved the stalling problem, but would like to have it checked.
  • Install the new cockpit table – table on order, also from Zarcor. This will be huge as we’ll be spending lots of time eating and sipping cocktails in the cockpit. The current table leg does not reach all the way down, so we have to prop it up all the time. We think one of the previous owners modified or custom made the table. Either way that does not make for a convenient set up, especially after a few sundowner beverages.
  • Install the port visors – still need to measure and order.
  • Install two more fans and the vberth lights. We decided having fans throughout the boat will be a huge help in the Carribean. The lights we decided to upgrade from the 20yr old RV style lights to the LED lights that match our new bulkhead light.
  • Possibly rebed the remaining two stantions.
  • Sew all the salon cushions – 14 in total. The current cushions are quite worn and rusted through because of the buttons. After getting some crazy quotes for the cushions, we decided to make our own and therefore were able to splurge on the Brisa Ultraleather.  So, step 1: order all supplies – done!!! Including the Sailrite Ultrafeed LSZ-1 sewing machine, the Brisa fabric, batting, foam… Step 3: Cushions!!!
  • Sew pocket organizers – There isn’t much in the way of drawers or lockers to keep our clothes. The only hanging locker is taken up by the air conditioner. So we decided to create custom pocket organizers that would line the sides of the vberth. We’ll also use some nets as well.
  • Get containers for storage in the back berth – this is really going to be our only storage space on the boat, so we want to keep it neat, organized and easily accessible.
  • Order and install the galley splash screen – with our fairly small sinks in the galley we noticed that we easily splash the salon cushions. We’d like to avoid that with the new cushions and all once the cushion gnomes finish making them.
  • Cat-proof the boat – we are hoping to take our cat along with us, provided she doesn’t hate being on a boat. So we need to get her a litter box that can fit into a very small space, bowls that can stay attached to the floor (thinking of using those toddler suction bowls). We also need to figure out where to set up scratching areas for her. She’s pretty spoiled at home and has a 7 ft tower all to herself. Along with the awesome smartcat scratching post. So we’ll try to recreate similar sisal rope scratchers that will allow her to do all the stretching and scratching that she loves to do.
  • Get outdoor pillows – ordered
  • Clean the boat out stem to stern.

Non-Boat Projects Remaining:

  • Renew travel passports – in progress
  • Get a subletter to take over remainder of our lease – in progress, apartment is listed on Craigslist!
  • Get rid of anything that we don’t plan to keep – grrr, kinda/sorta in progress. This is going to be the toughest chore.
  • Schedule movers to move anything we plan on keeping to our parents’ house.
  • Design and order boat cards
  • Schedule and host the Bon voyage party!!!

So, still a ton to do, and so little time! At least we are back to being a sailboat, for the next few weeks until the haul-out. We put the sails back on last weekend as we got tired of looking at the empty boom and forstay for 7 months, plus wanted to test our new halyards and sheets :-) Priorities!!! 
And we finally parted with the owl… The previous owner had her hanging from the boom vang to scare off birds (though not sure how effective it was). It was nice having her with us, especially when we brought Elara home, felt like the owl was watching over us!



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