boatlife, lifestyle

It’s the boatyard life for us…

You know that song from Annie, “It’s the hard knock life”? Well, it’s been playing in my head non-stop, except the words are “It’s the boatyard life for us…” It’s been about a month and a half that we’ve been “on the hard” (out of the water) – almost as much time as we’ve spentRead more…

boat work, lifestyle

When the original plans don’t work out, it’s time to make new plans.

We were sure we’d be in Miami for Thanksgiving! How could it possibly take more than two and a half months to make our way down the coast?! We (or more accurately I) imagined that each day would be perfect. We’d keep moving the desired distance from one place to the next, see a beautifulRead more…


New Years in Charleston

Once Vicky got back from Philly, we decided to get a hotel room in downtown Charleston for New Years eve, instead of spending it alone in the boatyard!  After a month of living on the boat on the hard it was a welcome change of pace.  Boatyard life really makes you appreciate little luxuries likeRead more…

boat work, lifestyle, Sailing

I Think We’re Done With the ICW

It’s been kind of hard to write a post since leaving Oriental, mostly because it’s much more fun to write about the fun exciting days of cruising than the crappy, everything-goes-wrong-broken-boat days of cruising. But that’s exactly where we are. The passage from Oriental to Beaufort was uneventful, and we spent a nice evening checkingRead more…


On The Road Again!

After a week in Oriental, our engine was running like new thanks to the awesome folks at Deaton’s Yacht Services.  With our engine purring we set out to make up some time.  First hop was pretty short, just down to Beaufort.  We could have bypassed it, but I really wanted to check out the town.Read more…

boat work, lifestyle, Sailing

Stuck In Oriental

The trip from Bellhaven to Oriental was long, but uneventful.  We weren’t even sure we were going to make it in one day, but with some favorable winds and a bit of motor sailing we were making good time.  As we transited the Pamlico river, we passed a bustling seafood dock.  According to activecaptain, boatsRead more…

lifestyle, Sailing

One Month In!

Yesterday was one month since we cast off our lines.  One thing that has surprised me about this whole “cruising” thing is how little downtime there is (hence the irregular blog-post schedule).  We are inevitably either on the move (in which case one of us is steering and one of us is on lookout sinceRead more…


Recipe: Eggplant and Red Pepper Shakshouka

We are still learning our way around the boat galley and provisioning. It’s a bit different than living on land. Our stove only has two burners so recipes that need a ton of prep and use many pots and pans aren’t ideal (not to mention limited water to wash all of them after). The fridgeRead more…


hanging out in VA

After leaving St. Michaels, our next destination was Solomons Island.  Heard a lot of good things, and decided to check it out.  We didn’t want to do the whole trip in a day, so we decided to hook around through the Knapps narrows and spend a night off Tilghman island.  We had been through the narrowsRead more…