boat work, lifestyle, Sailing

Stuck In Oriental

The trip from Bellhaven to Oriental was long, but uneventful.  We weren’t even sure we were going to make it in one day, but with some favorable winds and a bit of motor sailing we were making good time.  As we transited the Pamlico river, we passed a bustling seafood dock.  According to activecaptain, boatsRead more…

lifestyle, Sailing

One Month In!

Yesterday was one month since we cast off our lines.  One thing that has surprised me about this whole “cruising” thing is how little downtime there is (hence the irregular blog-post schedule).  We are inevitably either on the move (in which case one of us is steering and one of us is on lookout sinceRead more…

lifestyle, Sailing

Last days on land – part 3 – final projects and cast off!

The past few weeks have been crazy. We originally planned to leave September 15, but hit one delay after another. First it was finishing some critical projects (inststalling the new head, adding a temporary dept sounder etc…), then the pope visit, then Joaquin… finally we finished up and were ready to head out. Coincidentally, itRead more…

lifestyle, Sailing

Last days on land – part 1 (packing & purging)

Our departure date is just under 2 weeks away now, and we are officially in Crunch Time… Fortunately the last “big” boat project to do is installing the composting head.  Most of the time now is devoted to throwing out stuff & packing the rest for storage.  It’s amazing how you can fill giant trashRead more…

lifestyle, Sailing

Philadelphia tall ship festival

This past weekend, the Tall Ship Festival came to our home port of Philadelphia – the ships were lined up right outside our marina!  While we (sadly) still do not have sails on, we did motor out to see the ships from the water (a good choice, since the riverfront itself was absolutely packed!). Views 4230Likes 0

lifestyle, Sailing

Leaving… on a sailboat…

When we bought Elara, we had no intentions of doing any kind of long term cruising on her… the plan was to use her for daysailing and trips down the Chesapeake, while saving up for a bigger boat to cruise on. But you know what they say about sailors plans and all – written in the sandRead more…

boat work, lifestyle

More Power!

Elara is a very “wired” boat.  Being that I’ll be working aboard, I need power for my laptop/ phone/tablet/chargers etc…  Since all these devices are ultimately DC powered, it didn’t make sense to install an inverter (DC->AC) just to be able to plug in an adaptor (AC->DC) to charge my electronics.  Instead, I figured theRead more…